2024 IIeX North America: Future List Honorees
On April 17-18, Colson Steber, Co-CEO, and Conal Murray, Insights Director, attended IIeX North America in Austin, TX. Kicking off the event with the WIRe Happy Hour allowed both to get the networking juices flowing with wonderful conversations and networking opportunities.
As sponsors of the Greenbook 2024 Future List, Colson had the opportunity to act as the chair for the Future List Honoree track. Over the course of the afternoon, 11 of the 20 Future List Honorees were on stage, and provided many great presentations from Joyce Chuinkam’s session on fostering brand loyalty with black and Gen Z consumers to the panel with Erik Fraser, Elizabeth Kadrich, and Jasmin Goodman about their career growth and the future of the industry.
Greenbook also provided a meet and greet space with all of the Future List Honorees in attendance, which gave Colson and Conal an opportunity to meet them and get to know them even better. These meetings, along with their presentations, truly brought to life why each of these researchers was chosen for this distinction.
Outside of the Future List track and opportunities, there were many other fantastic stages. One stage was the podcast stage, which is always a highlight, where you could listen to podcasts being recorded live. Generative AI was a large topic of discussion throughout the event as well as data quality and data fraud which we continue to fight against in the industry.
Keep an eye out on our blog for some guest blogs from the Future List Honorees coming throughout the year. If you'd like to be notified when they're published, please sign up for Qlarity Insights, a biweekly email sent straight to your inbox with tools and tricks for better market research.