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3 Great Examples of Quantitative Research as Content Marketing

3 Great Examples of Quantitative Research as Content Marketing

3 Great Examples of Quantitative Research as Content Marketing

Quantitative research as a component of market research is most often used internally. Organizations typically use the information yielded in these studies to make crucial decisions based on information about their clients, their competitors and the field in general. Still, the information obtained during these research studies can often yield insights that the entire world would find interesting or likely benefit from.

Quantitative research as a component of market research is most often used internally. Organizations typically use the information yielded in these studies to make crucial decisions based on information about their clients, their competitors and the field in general. Still, the information obtained during these research studies can often yield insights that the entire world would find interesting or likely benefit from.

That’s where quantitative research and content marketing intersect: when companies decide to share the outcomes of their studies with the world. The content can be shared and discussed, and then eventually find its way as a source in other thought-provoking content throughout the web, leading to a valuable stock of inbound links that help boost search engine visibility.

These benefits are more than theoretical, too. As an example, take a look at the following three pieces of amazing content marketing derived from quantitative research that are chock full of eye-opening insights:

Buffer — The Optimal Length for Every Social Media Update and More

Plenty of bloggers and talking industry heads love to pontificate on the ideal practices for content marketing and online posting in general. The only problem is that all this advice constitutes mere hearsay — anecdotal advice that may not observe actual trends.

To cut through the fluff, the folks at Buffer teamed up with SumAll in order to tabulate and quantify social media engagement as a factor of post length. The insights they yield stand as a firm benchmark for other brands to instantly consult and guide their content writing decisions.

Orbit Media StudiosSurvey of 1000+ Bloggers: How to Be in the Top 5%

Orbit Media’s “state of the industry” type post checked in with over 1,000 professional bloggers in order to observe the habits, practices and idiosyncrasies of the most active and popular content creators online. While the insights yielded from the study are less hard-and-fast rules akin to the post above, they still guide and mentor aspiring content creators on what those at the top do to succeed.

HubSpot — State of Inbound Yearly Report

HubSpot stands as a flagship brand for inbound marketing and content marketing alike, having helped push the practices forward into their modern iterations through a combination of thought leadership and a suite of empowering apps.

Not ones to expect clients to merely take their word on the benefits of inbound, HubSpot aimed to prove the power of the marketing practice in their yearly reports compiling participation, successes and trends within the field. These observations are incredibly valuable to companies weighing their marketing campaign strategies, and the report also serves as a telling look at the field as a whole.

What are some of the best examples you've seen? Let us know in the comments.

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