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What Motivates Someone to Take a Market Research Survey?

Written by Communications for Research | Jul 30, 2018 4:30:00 PM
We’ve all done it: thrown away or ignored a survey. Whether it was because we didn’t have the time or the interest to fill it out, the result was the same. Some company didn’t get the information it wanted. So what can businesses do to motivate someone to take a market research survey? After more than 20 years in the business of market research surveys, we have a few suggestions:

Get Help

With so many ways to get connected these days, it is easy to ask for help. There are people out there influencing members of your target audience, and there are people out there interested in the same things as you. Frequently, they are the same.

Find them and ask them to provide a link to your survey on social media or on their blogs. Request that they write about your survey in articles or newsletters and mention your survey during events like conferences, meetings, seminars and even parties. You could even include a monetary incentive for getting these influencers to spread your message. All in all, getting people to spread your message increases exposure and widens your potential pool of respondents, thereby hopefully increasing your response rate.

Tell Them They Matter

People want to feel special. They want their thoughts and opinions to count for something. Show participants that you need and want their feedback by personalizing requests and detailing how their input will be used.

Quid Pro Quo

Whether it’s a physical incentive to take your survey or the opportunity to review results, people like to get someone in return for giving something. Consider publishing the results of your survey so that survey participants can see how others are responding. Give away gift cards to the first 100 respondents. Offer discounts or coupons for your product(s) or send promotional swag as “thank you” gifts. You might even think about providing a donation in honor of those who complete your survey, especially if the survey is geared to industry professionals and executives. Make sure your incentive matches the amount of time and effort your participants spend, as well as their level of expertise. It can serve as a great catalyst for participation.

Don’t nag. But do remind gently. As the saying goes – “If at first you don’t succeed, try again.” And maybe again. Then stop. People might forget to take a survey once or twice, but after that, they’re making a choice not to participate. Respect their decision and move on.

Send a Thank You

The value of appreciation can not be overlooked. Always thank respondents for their participation. It will provide immediate satisfaction to those who took your survey and will increase the likelihood of them helping you again in the future. 

Ready to Learn More?

There are many ways to increase survey participation. For additional tips, check out Engage, a handbook created by our colleagues at Global Research Business Network with 101 tips for increasing user satisfaction during the survey process. You may also contact our team at Communications for Research (CFR). We can assist you with all aspects of the survey process.

If you're creating an online survey, be sure to download "The Insider's Guide to Successfully Using Market Research Online Surveys" when designing, launching and analyzing your survey: