Qlarity Access Blog

5 Ways to Use Market Research Surveys to Generate Content

Written by Colson Steber | Jun 22, 2017 4:30:00 PM

On today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, the importance of quality content is more important than ever. For example:

  • 47% of B2B buyers access 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep (Source: DemandGen Report – 2016 Content Preferences Survey)
  • Content marketing leaders enjoy 780% more website traffic than non-leaders. (Source: Kapost)
  • 74.2% of businesses say that content marketing increases their lead quality and quantity. (Source: Curata) 

However, despite the importance of content to engage, nurture and ultimately convert prospects into customers, Forrester researchers found that a whopping 87% of marketers struggle to create content that truly engages their target audience. And that’s where market research surveys can make a transformative difference.

In addition to revealing powerful and profitable insights on everything from brand perception to the viability of developing new products, market research surveys are ideal for generating compelling, timely and hyper-relevant content such as the following assets:

  • Thought Leadership Content

Market research surveys reveal what target audiences are most interested in, including the goals the want to achieve and the problems they want to solve (or avoid facing). This intelligence can form the basis of thought leadership articles or blog posts that can be published on a business’s website to engage and inform visitors, or published off-site on platforms such as LinkedIn Pulse, industry-based websites (e.g. SecurityWeek for InfoSec, WIRED for tech, etc.). As noted by Entrepreneur, “good thought leadership raises people’s opinion about a brand.”

  • Infographics

Market research surveys are also ideal sources for infographics, because they tell a data-driven story that target audiences find compelling, useful and reliable. Plus, infographics are easy to share on social media, and it’s often possible to generate multiple high-impact infographics from a single market research survey.

  • Ebooks and White Paper 

A key challenge that many businesses face, is that while they have a solid grasp on their top-of-funnel content such as blog posts, they struggle to identify topics and themes for ebooks, white papers, and other assets that are more suited for prospects who are further along the buyer’s journey. Once again, market research surveys shed light on what these decision-makers are thinking and feeling, which not only translates into timely and topical middle/bottom-funnel content ideas, but helps identify the best way to convey messages (e.g. how-to, top 10, do’s and don’ts, best practices, etc.).

  • Video

Many of the statistics, findings, themes and insights that can be leveraged in the content noted above (e.g. articles, ebooks, etc.) can also provide the foundation for compelling videos. While there are a many strategies and approaches here, one of the most popular and effective (and affordable!) is to craft animated videos that tell a great data-driven story. 

  • Social Shareables

Last but not least, market research surveys are a veritable gold mine of “social shareables,” which are statistical insights that can be pushed out through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other channels. 

Learn More

To learn more about how market research surveys can help you generate valuable content that attracts, engages, nurtures and ultimately converts prospects into customers, contact the Communications For Research team today. We’ll ensure that your surveys are properly developed, designed and delivered for maximum results and ROI.

For more information on market research surverys, download our FREE eBook "The Insider's Guide to Successfully Using Market Research Online Surveys":