Qlarity Access Blog

Hospital Network Uses Census Sampling to Drive PR Campaign Development

Written by Colson Steber | Sep 22, 2015 7:00:00 PM

A PR agency reached out to Qlarity Access to help them form a strategy for its communications plan regarding cardiac care. Their client was a major hospital network in a large U.S. metro area. This agency needed solid research to back their PR and marketing campaign development, had fixed deadlines to get the job completed and limited internal resources. Qlarity Access delivered quality census sampling research within just two weeks. Here’s how.

Taking the lead on quotas and data-gathering

The PR agency had just one researcher on staff. This researcher led the initial design of the research, while Qlarity Access took the lead on all aspects of data-gathering. The agency knew they needed U.S.-based census sampling to accomplish their goals, but in gathering primary, quantitative research in health care, there’s a lot of decisions to be made. What will the sample size be? How will the data be collected? What are the requirements for quality and what trade-offs can be made between quality and research methodology?

Given the tight schedule and researcher of one, this agency likely would not have performed the research, at all, if it were not for partnering with a firm like Qlarity Access. The agency was assigned a Qlarity Access project manager who then created an entire U.S.-based census sampling, first by performing an initial look-up and then making quick, decisive decisions along the way to meet the appropriate quotas. Qlarity Access was able to act as a true partner and resource for the agency by making these decisions while maintaining the integrity of the census sampling.

PR strategy supported by real data

Our agency client was then able to confidently move forward with their PR plan development, knowing their plans were backed by insightful data. Not only did they make their deadlines, they were able to have confidence in their presentation.

Communications and PR agencies within the healthcare industry often enlist Qlarity Access to help perform research in health care. These agencies are generally seeking insights into their clients’ target audience for various health care campaigns. These agencies may or may not have a team of research analysts on staff. Generally, they know the audience that they will be communicating to and thus want answers from. Qlarity Access tends to assist these health care marketing agencies on two fronts: first, gathering the data and gaining the insights and second, making sure the proposals they’re crafting for their health care clients are framed in an honest light with respect to the research performed.

Reliable research partner

The benefits of using the power of market research to support marketing and PR efforts are immense. An agency who partners with Qlarity Access can definitely save time, but the biggest benefit by far is knowing they have a reliable research partner to turn to for nearly any aspect of a project: design, gathering data, presentations and questions.

Performing thoughtful market research that will lead to truthful insights is a substantial investment, but one worth taking. If you have a market research project that you’d like to discuss with Qlarity Access, please contact us here to tell us more.